關燈 巨大 直達底部

法則39 用例證作開場白 118

(Get Into an Example Immediately)

法則40 讓演講充滿生氣和活力 119

(Speak With Animation and Force)

法則41 即席演講的話題應就地取材 120

(Use the Principle of the Here and Now)

法則42 即席演說≠即席亂說 121

(Don’t Talk Impromptu…Give an Impromptu Talk)

第四章 溝通的藝術 123

(Part Four The Art of municating)

第一節 發表演說的恰當態度 124

(Delivering the Talk)

法則43 打破羞怯的外殼 125

(Crash Through Your Shell of Self…Consciousness)

法則44 全身心投入到演講中 126

(Put Your Heart Into Your Speaking)

第二節 與聽眾共同完成演講 128

(Cooperate With Your Audience)

法則45 要與聽眾形成互動 128

(Converse With Your Audience)

法則46 切莫模仿他人—只做自己 132

(Don't Try to Imitate Others…Be Yourself)

法則47 讓聲音彈性有力 134

(Practice Making Your Voice Strong and Flexible)

第五章 高效說話的挑戰 137

(Part Five The Challenge of Effective Speaking)

第一節 三種特殊的演說形式 138

(Introducing Speakers Presenting and Accepting Awards)

法則48 充分準備自己要說的話 140

(Thoroughly Prepare What You are Going to Say)

法則49 “題—重—講”的公式 142

(Follow the T…I…S Formula)

法則50 要有熱誠 145

(Be Enthusiastic)

法則51 充分準備引薦辭 146

(Thoroughly Prepare the Talk of Presentation)

法則52 答謝辭要有真情實感 147

(Express Your Sincere Feelings in the Talk of Acceptance)

第二節 組織較長的演講 148

(Organizing the Longer Talk)

法則53 儘快抓住聽眾注意力 149

(Get Attention Immediately)

法則54 避免激起負面注意 159

(Avoid Getting Unfavorable Attention)

法則55 支援主要觀點 163

(Support Your Main Ideas)

法則56 訴諸行動 167

(Appeal for Action)

第三節 善用已學到的技巧 177

(Applying What You Have Learned)

法則57 在談話中使用特定的細節 178