NARRATOR: Reagan and Volcker had set the United States on a new economic course。
RONALD REAGAN: From our very first day; we have been working to undo the economic wreckage they left behind。
NARRATOR: They called his policy Reaganomics。 It had four key elements。
LARRY LINDSEY: The first was the concept of sound money。 The second was deregulation。 The third was modest tax rates。 And the fourth was limited government spending。 Sounds pretty conventional now; but when Reagan was elected; he was vilified by his opponents as being some radical extremist。
LARRY LINDSEY:第一個是健全通貨的概念;第二個是取消管制;第三個是合適的稅率;第四個是限制政府支出。這些在現在看來是非常普通的,但當年里根卻被他的對手辱罵為極端激進分子。
RONALD REAGAN: They just can't accept that their discredited policies of tax and tax; spend and spend; are at the root of our current problems。
NARRATOR: Reagan's tax cuts; the biggest in history; led to huge deficits。 But the economy started to grow steadily again。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: There's no doubt in my mind that those actions of Reagan; lowering tax rates; plus his emphasis on deregulating unleashed the basic constructive forces of the free market; and from 1983 on; it's been almost entirely up。
Chapter 17: War in the South Atlantic '1:41'
Onscreen title: Atlantic Ocean; 1982
NARRATOR: Far away in the South Atlantic; a British expeditionary force was at sea。 Argentina had seized the Falkland Islands from Britain。 Ma