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ere very glad to see us。 There was a fine coiffeur's place where Catherine went to have her hair done。 The woman who ran it was very cheerful and the only person we knew in Montreux。 While Catherine was there I went up to a beer place and drank dark Munich beer and read the papers。 I read the Corriere della Sera and the English and American papers from Paris。 All the advertisements were blacked out; supposedly to prevent munication in that way with the enemy。 The papers were bad reading。 Everything was going very badly everywhere。 I sat back in the corner with a heavy mug of dark beer and an opened glazed…paper package of pretzels and ate the pretzels for the salty flavor and the good way they made the beer taste and read about disaster。 I thought Catherine would e by but she did not e; so I hung the papers back on the rack; paid for my beer and went up the street to look for her。 The day was cold and dark and wintry and the stone of the houses looked cold。 Catherine was still in the hairdresser's shop。 The woman was waving her hair。 I sat in the little booth and watched。 It was exciting to watch and Catherine smiled and talked to me and my voice was a little thick from being excited。 The tongs made a pleasant clicking sound and I could see Catherine in three mirrors and it was pleasant and warm in the booth。 Then the woman put up Catherine's hair; and Catherine looked in the mirror and changed it a little; taking out and putting in pins; then stood up。 〃I'm sorry to have taken such a long time。〃

〃Monsieur was very interested。 Were you not; monsieur?〃 the woman smiled。

〃Yes;〃 I said。

We went out and up the street。 It was cold and wintry and the wind was blowing。 〃Oh; darling; I love you so;〃 I said。

〃Don't we have a fine time?〃 Catherine said