關燈 巨大 直達底部

cold and clear and the night outside the window。 We slept well and if I woke in the night I knew it was from only one cause and I would shift the feather bed over; very softly so that Catherine would not be wakened and then go back to sleep again; warm and with the new lightness of thin covers。 The war seemed as far away as the football games of some one else's college。 But I knew from the papers that they were still fighting in the mountains because the snow would not e。

Sometimes we walked down the mountain into Montreux。 There was a path went down the mountain but it was steep and so usually we took the road and walked down on the wide hard road between fields and then below between the stone walls of the vineyards and on down between the houses of the villages along the way。 There were three villages; Chernex; Fontanivent; and the other I forget。 Then along the road we passed an old square…built stone ch鈚eau on a ledge on the side of the mountain…side with the terraced fields of vines; each vine tied to a stick to hold it up; the vines dry and brown and the earth ready for the snow and the lake down below flat and gray as steel。 The road went down a long grade below the ch鈚eau and then turned to the right and went down very steeply and paved with cobbles; into Montreux。

We did not know any one in Montreux。 We walked along beside the lake and saw the swans and the many gulls and terns that flew up when you came close and screamed while they looked down at the water。 Out on the lake there were flocks of grebes; small and dark; and leaving trails in the water when they swam。

In the town we walked along the main street and looked in the windows of the shops。 There were many big hotels that were closed but most of the shops were open and the people w