關燈 巨大 直達底部

k I'd like them。 I'd probably like them very much。〃

〃Let's not talk about them or I'll start to worry about them。〃 After a while I said; 〃Let's go on if you're rested。〃

〃I'm rested。〃

We went on down the road。 It was dark now and the snow squeaked under our boots。 The night was dry and cold and very clear。

〃I love your beard;〃 Catherine said。 〃It's a great success。 It looks so stiff and fierce and it's very soft and a great pleasure。〃

〃Do you like it better than without?〃

〃I think so。 You know; darling; I'm not going to cut my hair now until after young Catherine's born。 I look too big and matronly now。 But after she's born and I'm thin again I'm going to cut it and then I'll be a fine new and different girl for you。 We'll go together and get it cut; or I'll go alone and e and surprise you。〃

I did not say anything。

〃You won't say I can't; will you?〃

〃No。 I think it would be exciting。〃

〃Oh; you're so sweet。 And maybe I'd look lovely; darling; and be so thin and exciting to you and you'll fall in love with me all over again。〃

〃Hell;〃 I said; 〃I love you enough now。 What do you want to do? Ruin me?〃

〃Yes。 I want to ruin you。〃

〃Good;〃 I said; 〃that's what I want too。〃


We had a fine life。 We li