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ng home in the evening; we saw foxes。

It was a fine country and every time that we went out it was fun。

〃You have a splendid beard now;〃 Catherine said。 〃It looks just like the woodcutters'。 Did you see the man with the tiny gold earrings?〃

〃He's a chamois hunter;〃 I said。 〃They wear them because they say it makes them hear better。〃

〃Really? I don't believe it。 I think they wear them to show they are chamois hunters。 Are there chamois near here?〃

〃Yes; beyond the Dent de Jaman。〃

〃It was fun seeing the fox。〃

〃When he sleeps he wraps that tail around him to keep warm。〃

〃It must be a lovely feeling。〃

〃I always wanted to have a tail like that。 Wouldn't it be fun if we had brushes like a fox?〃

〃It might be very difficult dressing。〃

〃We'd have clothes made; or live in a country where it wouldn't make any difference。〃

〃We live in a country where nothing makes any difference。 Isn't it grand how we never see any one? You don't want to see people do you; darling?〃


〃Should we sit here just a minute? I'm a little bit tired。〃

We sat close together on the logs。 Ahead the road went down through the forest。

〃She won't e between us; will she? The little brat。〃

〃No。 We won't let her。〃

〃How are we for money?〃

〃We have plenty。 They honored the last sight draft。〃

〃Won't your family try and get hold of you now they know you're in Switzerland?〃

〃Probably。 I'll write them something。〃

〃Haven't you written them?〃

〃No。 Only the sight draft。〃

〃Thank God I'm not your family。〃

〃I'll send them a cable。〃

〃Don't you care anything about them?〃

〃I did; but we quarrelled so much it wore itself out。〃

〃I thin