w can one get at this man? He is in Nanzheng。〃
〃In the next battle; pretend defeat; flee; and let Pang De take possession of this camp。 Return in the night in force and drive him out; and he must retreat into the city。 Let one of our own people with a persuasive tongue mingle with his troops; disguised as one of his soldiers; and so gain entrance into the city。〃
A subtle agent was found; and goodly gifts were his in advance; and he was entrusted with a golden breastplate as a bribe。 He put it on and over it put on the dress of an ordinary soldier of Hanzhong。 And he made his way quietly to a point on the road along which the soldiers of Hanzhong would retreat into the city。 There he waited。
Next day; two parties under Xiahou Yuan and Zhang He were sent to lie in ambush; and Xu Huang was sent to challenge; but with orders to be defeated。 The scheme went well; and as Pang De came on to smite; Cao Cao's army retired before Pang De till he found himself at their very camp。 And therein he entered and was exceedingly pleased to find fodder and forage in great quantities。
Having sent off a messenger to his chief; Pang De spread a feast in celebration of the victory; and when night came on they slept。 But about the second watch there was an alarm from three directions; and the camp was threatened by three forces: Xu Chu and Xu Huang attacking in the center; Zhang He from the left; and Xiahou Yuan from the right。 It was the night attack arranged by Cao Cao; and Pang De could not make any defense。 He got to horse; cut his way through; and made for the city。 With the attackers in close pursuit; Pang De reached the gate; got it opened; and rushed in。
And the false soldier got in amid the confusion。 He made his way quickly to Yang Song's residence