關燈 巨大 直達底部

(Choose Subjects You Are Earnest About)

法則17 重現自己的感覺 62

(Relive the Feelings You Have About Your Topic)

法則18 表現出你的熱情 62

(Act in Earnest)

第三節 與聽眾分享自己的演講 64

(Sharing the Talk With the Audience)

法則19 用聽眾感興趣的字眼 65

(Talk in Terms of Your Listeners’Interests)

法則20 給聽眾以真誠的讚賞 68

(Give Honest Sincere Appreciation)

法則21 與聽眾融為一體 68

(Identify Yourself With the Audience)

法則22 讓聽眾參與演講 70

(Make Your Audience a Partner in Your Talk)

法則23 放低自己的姿態 71

(Play Yourself Down)

第三章 演講的幾種形式 75

(Part Three The Purpose of Prepared and Impromptu Talks)

第一節 如何以簡短演講引起反響 76

(Making the Short Talk to Get Action)

法則24 從生活和經¬歷中找事例 81

(Give Your Example an Incident From Your Life)

法則25 讓聽眾知道該做什麼 86

(State Your Point What You Want the Audience to Do)

法則26 給出理由或聽眾可能獲得的利益 87

(Give the Reason or Benefit the Audience May Expect)

第二節 說明情況的演講 89

(Making the Talk to Inform)

法則27 按規定時間組織素材 90

(Restrict Your Subject to Fit the Time at Your Disposal)

法則28 合理安排演講邏 92

(Arrange Your Ideas in Sequence)

法則29 使演講條理清晰 93

(Enumerate Your Points as You Make Them)

法則30 善用比喻會使演講深入淺出 94

(pare the Strange With the Familiar)

法則31 多用視覺輔助手段 99

(Use Visual Aids)

第三節 說服性演講 103

(Making the Talk to Convince)

法則32 以真誠贏得信任 105

(Win Confidence by Deserving It)

法則33 如何獲得認同 105

(Get a Yes…Response)

法則34 讓講述深具感染力 108

(Speakin With Contagious Enthusiasm)

法則35 給聽眾以尊敬和關愛 109

(Show Respect and Affection for Your Audience)

法則36 以友好的方式開始 110
