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&rdo;美咲大大咧咧的勒著翼的脖子離開了。而織姬和拉比也在大家去跳舞后,也相攜來到舞池裡跳舞。&ldo;蜜柑,能不能一起跳個舞?&rdo;菱獅看著蜜柑說道。&ldo;啊,唔~~&rdo;蜜柑看著菱獅向自己邀請於是點了點頭。&ldo;阿拉,小白我們去跳舞好嗎?&rdo;我笑著看向冬獅郎。&ldo;隨便!!&rdo;於是我拉著冬獅郎也來到舞池開始跳舞,說實話冬獅郎還真的有點笨拙,不過好像我們都不怎麼會跳舞啊……笨拙的拉著手、笨拙的跳著舞,雖然如此,我還是很開心。跳完後,我就被菱獅接手,開始和菱獅跳舞。而冬獅郎和我跳完後,就閃到了一邊。所以我們可愛的蜜柑就和流架跳了起來。煙花曼舞、歌舞昇平。看著大家開心的跳著舞,我的心裡也十分的開心。來到愛麗絲學園後,就一直過得不錯,看來這裡還真不是一般的有趣啊……所有的一切終於到了最後,後夜祭的最後一支舞開始了。看著蜜柑紅著臉從一邊出來,我明白肯定是為了那個不可愛的小鬼日向棗。聽著主持人說著初等部b班今井螢希望的最後一支舞的舞伴是佐倉蜜柑時,所有人呆了。一群等著和小螢跳舞的男性們捧著一地碎裂的心離開了。而當最後那個該死的主持人說著今井螢點名初等部b班黑崎菱紗唱歌時,我的臉可以說很黑。我抽搐的看著小螢,而後者一臉陰謀得逞的陰險樣,讓我好想揍人。不過最後還是無奈的上臺,為這些傢伙的最後一支舞唱歌。來到臺上,看著臺下的眾人,輕揚的歌聲從我口中溢位。jt one st danceoh babyjt one st dance最後一曲哦 親愛的最後一曲we et the night the spanish café那個夜晚我們在西班牙咖啡館相遇i look your eyes jt don't know what to say望著你的雙眸心有千言竟無語it feels like i' drowng salty water淚水已令我盡陷沉溺a few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise幾個時辰過後陽光便要升起toorrow will e an it's ti to realize明日終將到來our love has fished forever愛情永遠分離how i wish to e with you (wish to e with you)多想和你一起(和你一起)how i wish we ake it through多想共同繼續jt one st dance最後一曲before we say goodbye再說別離when we sway and turn round and round and round一次次揮手轉身it's like the first ti初次相遇般難捨難離jt one ore chance再多一次機會hold tight and keep war緊緊擁抱充滿愛意cae the night is ttg ld因夜已漸冷and i don't know where i belong我意亂情迷jt one st dance最後一曲the e and the lights and the spanish guitar夜光美酒琴聲(吉它)響起i'll never fet how roantic they are浪漫之夜永難忘記but i know, toorrow i'll lose the one i love我知道明日將痛失吾愛there's no way to e with you永遠不能再相偎相依it's the only thg to do舍此無它jt one st dance最後一曲before we say goodbye再說別離when we sway and turn round and round and round一次次揮手轉身it's like the first ti初次相遇般難捨難離jt one ore chance再多一次機會hold tight and keep war緊緊擁抱充滿愛意cae the night is ttg ld因夜已漸冷and i don't know where i belong我意亂情迷jt one st dance,