oung audiences。 幻想也是廣告中常用的一種可能誤導年輕觀眾的技巧。
motivate['moutiveit]v。 激勵;激發;驅動
例句 In terms of the motivation to reflect; it appears that many matters have not been explored; for example the value of externally motivated reflection as opposed to that of teachers who might reflect by habit。 關於反思動機方面,還有許多事情未被探究,比如外力驅動的反思與教師養成習慣進行反思的價值的完全不同。
同義 stimulate(v。 激勵);inspire(v。 激發);impel(v。 驅動)
mutual['mju:?u?l]a。 相互的;共有的
例句 1。 These were essentially professional associations that provided mutual aid and protection for their members; a