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y God I don't know where we are。 Where are we going; driver?〃 The driver stopped his horse。

〃To the Hotel Metropole。 Don't you want to go there?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said。 〃It's all right; Cat。〃

〃It's all right; darling。 Don't be upset。 We'll get a good sleep and you won't feel groggy to…morrow。〃

〃I get pretty groggy;〃 I said。 〃It's like a ic opera to…day。 Maybe I'm hungry。〃

〃You're just tired; darling。 You'll be fine。〃 The carriage pulled up before the hotel。 Some one came out to take our bags。

〃I feel all right;〃 I said。 We were down on the pavement going into the hotel。

〃I know you'll be all right。 You're just tired。 You've been up a long time。〃

〃Anyhow we're here。〃

〃Yes; we're really here。〃

We followed the boy with the bags into the hotel。



That fall the snow came very late。 We lived in a brown wooden house in the pine trees on the side of the mountain and at night there was frost so that there was thin ice over the water in the two pitchers on the dresser in the morning。 Mrs。 Guttingen came into the room early in the morning to shut the windows and started a fire in the tall porcelain stove。 The pine wood crackled and sparked an