關燈 巨大 直達底部

 I shut off the gas and lifted the mask。 She came back from a long way away。

〃That was lovely; darling。 Oh; you're so good to me。〃

〃You be brave; because I can't do that all the time。 It might kill you。〃

〃I'm not brave any more; darling。 I'm all broken。 They've broken me。 I know it now。〃

〃Everybody is that way。〃

〃But it's awful。 They just keep it up till they break you。〃

〃In an hour it will be over。〃

〃Isn't that lovely? Darling; I won't die; will I?〃

〃No。 I promise you won't。〃

〃Because I don't want to die and leave you; but I get so tired of it and I feel I'm going to die。〃

〃Nonsense。 Everybody feels that。〃

〃Sometimes I know I'm going to die。〃

〃You won't。 You can't。〃

〃But what if I should?〃

〃I won't let you。〃

〃Give it to me quick。 Give it to me!〃

Then afterward; 〃I won't die。 I won't let myself die。〃

〃Of course you won't。〃

〃You'll stay with me?〃

〃Not to watch it。〃

〃No; just to be there。〃

〃Sure。 I'll be there all the time。〃

〃You're so good to me。 There; give it to me。 Give me some more。 It's not working!〃

I turned the dial to three and then four。 I wished the doctor would e back。 I was afraid of the numbers above two。

Finally a new doctor came in with two nurses and they lifted Catherine onto a wheeled stretcher and we started down the hall。 The stretcher went rapidly dOwn the hall and into the elevator where every one had to crowd against the wall to make room; then up; then an open door and out of the elevator and down the hall on rubber wheels to the operating room。 I did not recognize the doctor with his cap and mask on。 There was another doctor and more nurses。

〃They've got to give me something