我工作在鐵道線上(I‘ve be enworking on the railroad)
在那裡度過整天的時光(All the live-longday)
我工作在鐵道線上(I‘ve be enworking on the railroad)
時間飛逝地流過(Just to pass the tim eaway)
你沒有聽到哨聲吹響?(Don‘t you hear the whistle blowing)
清晨早早地起床(Rise up so early in the morn)
你沒有聽到隊長的高喊?(Don‘t you hear the captain shouting)
“迪娜,吹響你的號角!”(Dinah;blow your horn!)
迪娜,你不會吹嗎?Dinah;won‘t you blow)
迪娜,你不會吹嗎?(Dinah;won‘t you blow)
迪娜,你為什麼不吹響號角?(Dinah;won‘t you blow your horn)
迪娜,你不會吹嗎?(Dinah;won‘t you blow)
迪娜,你不會吹嗎?(Dinah;won‘t you blow)
迪娜,為什麼不吹響你的號角?(Dinah;won‘t you blow your horn)
有人在廚房與迪娜在一起(Someone‘s in the kitchen with Dinah)
我知道有人在廚房(Someone‘s in the kitchen I know)
有人在廚房與迪娜在一起(Someone‘s in the kitchen with Dinah)
彈拔著古老的五絃琴,放聲歌唱(Strummin‘on the old banjo;and singin)