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 Asia Times Online;March 30;2005�William Clark;Will US be asked to le*e key military bases?;�c*onitorr�;July 5;2005�Thom Shanker and Eric Smith; ‘Pentagon Expects Long…Term Access to Four Key Bases in Iraq’;New York Times;April 20;2003�Christine Spolar;‘14′ Enduring Bases′ Set for Iraq;’Chicago Tribune;March 23;2004��globemaster�de/cgi…bin/bases provides a profile of every listed US airbase�

�Zoltan Gros*an;New US Military Bases:Side Effects or Causes of War?;in�counterpunch�org/zoltanbases�html�


�Los Angeles Times;January 6;2002。

�Report of the Secretary of Defense;1996;pp�134�

�George H�W�Bush;Toward a New World Order;Address to Joint Session of Congress;September 11;;referring to the imminent coalition war on Iraq in 1991;“The crisis in the Persian Gulf;as gr*e as it is;also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of ;our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge:a new era—freer from the threat of terror;stronger in the pursuit of justice;and more secure in the quest for peace�An era in which the nations of the world;East and West;North and South;can prosper and live in harmony�A hundred generations h*e searched for this elusive path to peace;while a thousand wars raged across the span of human ende*or� Today that new world is struggling to be born;a world quite different from the one we�ve known…”Again in his State of the Union Address after the onset of military action against Iraq;Operation Desert Storm;Bush declared; on January 21;1991; “We will succeed in the Gulf�And when we do;the world munity will h*e sent an enduring warning to any dictator or despot;present or future;who contemplates outlaw aggression�

The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the longheld promise of a n