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nds who read it first were somewhat excited。 Mr。 Zhang Xutang; former editor…in…chief of Shanghai Wenhui Daily; invited by the press for checking and reviewing this book; whom I have never met; wrote his ment as follows: “The author is faithful to the party’s news career。 The words between the lines brim with his sincere love and pursuit for news career; and demonstrate his surging enthusiasm and abundant vitality and the charm of his personality of persistence and unceasing effort to reaching the goal of news reforms。 As the first reader of “Media Operation Era” – an old man having worked on the post of mass media for 55 years; I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude and heart…felt thanks to the author; and thank him for his realistic addition of a bunch of bright flowers to Chinese news undertakings in the years of reforms and opening!” I am sincerely grateful to the courage of the elder newspaper man。 In fact I am only a successor and lateer of their undertakings; but a bit persevering in the career。 I am indeed very devoted to it。 I can guarantee to the readers that; words are the voice of the mind。 There are no empty talks; nor falsehood in the book。 The book only reveals the resolution and persistence of a mass media man in promoting rapid development of mass media; and certainly some cleverness of the author; though some friends and colleagues deem it as wisdom。 After all; my team and I have turned the newspaper office with heavy losses to a newspaper group; gaining good profits and having a large space and the strength conserved for further development。 In sum; what we have done are fairly good。 I acknowledge and like the ment in the article of New Weekly on me。 Therefore; I take this article of New Weekly as the preface of this collection to which I