uther於1521年4月18日在Diet of
Worms的講話,參見Roland Bainton的Here I Stand:A Life of Martin Lutcher(New
York:Abingdon Cbkesbury)。
'4'Don Cook,Charles de Gaulle:A Biography(New York:Putnam,1982)。
'5'David Schoenbrun, The Three Lives of Charles de Gaulle(New
'6'Gary Hufbauer,Diane Berliner,and Kimberley Ann Elliott,Trade
Protection in the United States:31 Case
Studies(Washington,D。C。:Institute for International Economics,1985)。
第2 章準備接招
'1'Robert Frost's Poems,ed。Louis Untermeyer(New York:Washington
Square Press,1971)。
'l'Alfred,Lord TennySon,In Memoriam(New
York:W。W。Norton,1973)pp。19…20。更好的版本是Samuel Butler對Tennyson開的玩笑:“ Tis
better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all ,”參見The
Way of All Flesh(New York:E。P。Dutton ,1952)p。385。 '2'引自“Game
Theory:Reagan's Move,”New York Times,April 15,1981,p.D2。
Binmore即將出版的著作Fun and Games(Lexington,Mass。:D。C。Heath)和David
Kreps的Game Theory and Economic Modelling(Oxford:Oxford University
Press, 1990)中找到精彩的討論。
第4章 走出囚徒困境
'1'載於Wall Street Journal,December 4,1986 。 '2'Robert Axelrod,The
Evolution of Cooperation(New YOrk:Basic Books,1984)
,'3'這一案例分析概括了他刊登在Monetary Issues in the 1980's( Kansas City:Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City,1983)上的題為“Issues in the Coordination of
Monetary and Fiscal Policy”的論文。
第5章 策略行動
'1' Institutional lnvestor (June 1979)。
'2'這一術語以及這一分析的大部分內容最早是由Thomas Schelling 在The Strategy of Conflict